If you’re considering plastic surgery, it’s important to consider the recovery process. A safe and healthy recovery process will not only help keep you comfortable but will also guarantee the best possible results from the procedure.
Here are our top tips for a safe recovery after your procedure:
Quit Smoking for a Safe Recovery After Plastic Surgery
Smoking is detrimental to the body’s recovery process. Nicotine causes blood vessels to constrict and inhibits your circulatory system. Smoking can prevent oxygen and other necessary nutrients in your blood from reaching and effectively healing the treatment area following plastic surgery.
Quitting smoking for at least two months before plastic surgery is your best option for a safe recovery; however, if you don’t permanently quit, you must refrain from smoking for at least two months before the procedure and continue to refrain from smoking for two months after the procedure.
Prepare To Rest When You Return Home From The Surgery
In the first few days after plastic surgery, it’s crucial to rest. Overexerting yourself in the days following your procedure could completely sabotage your recovery process. Therefore, it is important to prepare your home before heading into the surgery through steps like ensuring that you have groceries in the refrigerator, plenty of pillows, and books and movies for entertainment while you’re on bed rest.
Additionally, it would be best to ask a loved one to pick you up from the surgery and stay with you for at least the first night after surgery. For more involved procedures, it may be necessary to have a loved one stay with you for several nights to help out with general household tasks.
Eat a Healthy Diet
Eating a healthy, nutrient-rich diet before and after your plastic surgery procedure will support your recovery process. It is common to experience appetite changes after surgery, although it’s important to continue eating a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, lean protein, and complex carbohydrates. Additionally, make sure to consult your surgeon before taking any supplements.
Dr. Polecritti at the Julian Institute of Plastic Surgery will advise you on the specific recovery process for your plastic surgery procedure. Contact us today to schedule a consultation!
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