Whether you are currently enjoying the blissful newborn stage, chasing an energetic toddler around the house, or wondering how your baby became a teenager, motherhood is a wild ride. In addition to the beauty and joy of having a child, motherhood also takes a toll on the body. Even healthy eating habits and regular exercise can’t always overcome the physical changes that motherhood brings about, like stretched abdominal muscles and deflated breasts. You deserve to feel great about your body, especially post-pregnancy, and that’s exactly what the mommy makeover sets out to do!
A Mommy Makeover Is a Time Machine
The mommy makeover is a combination of procedures that address areas commonly affected as a result of childbirth. The most noticeable impacts of pregnancy and childbirth include stretched and separated abdominal muscles, stretch marks on the skin of the lower abdomen, and saggy, deflated breasts. A mommy makeover targets each of these problems by combining a tummy tuck, liposuction, and breast lift together. Of course, your own mommy makeover can be customized to your exact needs to help you transform your body back to its pre-pregnancy shape… or even better!
The Results Solve Problems that Diet and Exercise May Not
A tummy tuck is a major component to any mommy makeover, because it removes loose, extra skin and fat from the stomach area. This process is able to remove stretch marks and excess skin below the belly button as well. If you opt for a full tummy tuck, it is even possible to reconstruct your abdominal muscles in order to regain the strength and support you once had. A breast lift, augmentation, or combination thereof is done at the same time as the tummy tuck to erase signs of stretching, droopiness, and deflation.
Love Your Body
Mothers have so many responsibilities on a daily basis; worrying about their appearance shouldn’t be one of them. A mommy makeover will give you the ability to embrace your image, love the body you see in the mirror, and eliminate all of your problem spots in just one procedure. Just be sure to entrust your surgery to an experienced and reputable plastic surgeon like Dr. Marc Polecritti of The Julian Institute of Plastic Surgery. Dr. Polecritti is double board certified in both Plastic and Reconstructive surgery, and specializes in the mommy makeover procedure. Call (352) 606-4754 to schedule an appointment in Spring Hill, Florida now!
Mommy Makeover Childbearing is a beautiful experience; you get to have a little human being grow in you for 9 to 10 months, and then the child is born for you to love
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